Access NO Item Type Notes Link
0655.03 stamp rbroath 1320claration of Scotland independence
0655.04 pamphlet Winnie s Covenant 1000 club
0655.05 envelope Letter declaration Scotland independence Arbroath 1320
0655.06 letter letter to W.M. from Winnie Ewing
0655.07 cutting April 6th 1970 The Arbroath Declaration
0655.08 cutting April 4th 1970 650th anniversary of Arbroath Declaration
0655.09 final draft Declaration of Nationhood
0655.10 paper rough for manuscript of Declaration
0655.11 quill for manuscript
0655.12 letter Sir James Young Exhibition
0655.13 order of service Sir James Young Exhibition
0655.14 sketch Sir James Young Simpson sculpture
0655.15 jar Bombsite
0656.01-02 cover cover (record)
0656.03 magazine L.H.S.
0657.01 test (exam) Arithmetic for qualifying classes
0657.02 notes the Schonell arithmetic practice cards
0657.03-26 book control test book answers
0658.01 truncheon belonged to James Millan,1936-37 London
0659.01 drawing Join the Scout Troup W. Wolfe pencil drawing 1938

No. of records found: 9841