Access NO Item Type Notes Link
3168.01 photograph Bathgate Brownie Troup 1926
3169.01 programme Bathgate Procession Programme 2016
3170.01 photo Photograph of Donahue shop front circa 1925
3171.01 axe Fireman axe 1942?
3172.01 programme Newlands Day Procession 1981
3172.02 photograph Bathgate Academy Staff 1960s
3172.03 plan BMC Original plan for Rack for Grinding Fixtures
3172.04 list Applications list for renewal of existing licences May 1975-May 1976
3173.01 model WW1 MK1 Tank
3173.02 model WW1 Mk A. Whippet Tank
3174.01 gauge British Leyland - Vernier Height Gauge used for precision marking and
3174.02 photograph British Leyland - picture and description of Venienr Height Gauge item
3175.01,03-05 poster Theseitems are recorded on acquisition no. 3172
3175.02 newsletter Bathgate/Boghall Newsletter No. 7
3176.01 coin Collection of British Australian, French Creek and American coins
3177.01 book Bigggles Book
3177.02 jotter Holmes Pioneer Jotter
3178.01 lamp Amber coloured oil lamp used in the farm cottages at Bangour
3178.02 lamp Clear Glass oil lamp from Bangour Farm Cottages
3179.01 order of service Order of service for commenoration service of WW1 Battle of the Somme

No. of records found: 9841