Access NO Item Type Notes Link
3154.01 order of service Copy of Order of Benediction of St. Columba's church bathgate Wednesd
3155.01 badge badge
3155.02 badge badge
3156.01 mincer N 3181
3156.02 washboard Glass scrubbing board
3158.01 monogram North British Steel Foundry
3158.02 photograph Pattern Makers June 1957 NBSF
3159.01 replica Almond Park Gorge NBSF
3159.02 locomotive Model of locomotive engine made at NBSF
3160.01 tile 8 Outside Floor Tiles used as hearth base
3161.01 photograph Memories of the Pitcairn Family
3161.02 photograph 1st Blackburn Girl Guides 1921
3161.03 photograph Boys School Class
3161.05 letter letter
3162.01 programme Order of Service for Centenary of St. Columba's Church
3164.01 dvd DVD Scotlands first Oil Rush
3165.01 game Boxed scrabble game 1970's
3166.01 album Photographs of Bathgate Procession 2016
3167.01 newspaper Bathgate News-confirmation that two newspaper were published in Bathga
3167.02 newspaper Bathgate Times before the Courier

No. of records found: 9841