Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2943.06 booklet members shares loan book bathgate coop
2943.07 letter letter dated 4 july 1945
2943.08 letter letter from 1945
2944.01 mincer table mincer green enameled
2944.02 equipment wooden item possibly for exercise of dumbell type with central hand gr
2944.03 brush cleaning brush of type for black leading a fire place hob
2945.01 order of service order of service for scouts own - jubilee
2945.02 bill bill for professional attendance to Dr j. Stewart graham Aug 1933 - Se
2946.01 toy rocking horse handmade for a crawford
2946.02 desk desk
2946.03 toy child's chair
2946.04 chair basket chair 1974 circa £2.40
2947.01 slate slate cagm
2947.02 advert pencil advertising j.easton and sons slaters/plaster
2947.03 advert pencil advertising west lothian motors ltd 13 Glasgow rd motor enginee
2947.04 order of service order of service R5 Rev elliot wardlaw st.d
2947.05-14 photograph photos of reinstated steelyard (info on the back of photos)
2947.15 cutting daily mail march 7 2009 "mother of all goals": ladies football team wi
2947.16 document operation market garden arnhem 1944
2947.17 document operate 'market garden' sept 1944

No. of records found: 9841