Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2916.06 photograph photo in card frame procession
2917.01 cutting lothian courier - simpson memorial hall nears completion
2917.02 printing block printing block opening door
2917.03 plaque printing block plaque
2917.04 plaque stone plaque of simpson memorial hall
2917.05 photograph photo of door opening
2918.01 article article from nancy spence about st davids church sept 2007
2918.02 article artice from tom mctroy about heather dent and the catacomb cafe/coffee
2918.03 photograph photo of majorybanks family gathering, kelourna, BC camada 2002 ringin
2919.01 coin silver thruppeny 1918
2919.02 coin silver thruppeny 1920
2919.03 coin silver thruppeny 1921
2919.04 coin silver thruppeny 1931
2919.05 coin silver thruppeny 1935
2920.01 jar A jar inscribed 'bathgate creamery'
2921.01 darts golden circle darts and social club 1974 ledger
2921.02 letter the menzies jubilee football club letter head
2922.01-06 glass central panes from 6 sash and case sashes removed from hall when being
2923.01 brick one wedged brick from cheiftan forge millroad
2924.01 rod used in bathgate west infant school

No. of records found: 9841