Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2823.02 cutting W.L.Courier tribute to Mr. Roberts by Rev. J.Lindsay Minister of St.Jo
2824.01 cheque Bathgate Cooperative Society 6d. cheque
2825.01 photograph Framed photograph of Rena Livingston (Ferrier) Princess Royal of Scotl
2825.02-05 magazine Bathgate Academy Chronicle 1933, 1935, 1936 and 1937
2825.06 booklet Sesquicentenary Burgh of Bathgate 1824-1974
2825.07-08 card Identity Card for John Livingston and Catherine Livingston
2825.09 ticket Ticket for Bathgate Cricket Club Cake and Candy Sale 26/3/1927
2825.10 programme Newland's Day Procession programme June 1938
2826.01 cutting Sunday Mail 5 June 1932 - Pageantry at Bathgate
2826.02 catalogue Bathgate Art Club and Photographic Society 6 June 1953
2826.03 card Service Christmas Card - 2nd Lothians and Borders Horse 1941 from John
2826.04 card Service Christmas Card from Alistair Livingston
2827.01 fragment Fragment of girder with rivet hole from the Bridge at Bathgate Water G
2827.02 chisel Possibly Dooking Iron 15 and a half long. Found in solum of demolished
2829.02 programme Procession programme - 1990
2829.03 programme Processiion programme 1972
2829.04 newspaper Tomorrow's Procession Pageant - Cameron's Draper of Bathgate 1 June 19
2829.05 list List of teacher and subjects at LHS Bathgate
2829.06 calendar Calendar for 1906 "Joy Cometh in the Morning" found in the Janitor's r
2829.07-10 log book LHS School Logs - 1931-38, 1939-42, 1943-48, 1949-56 (extracts)

No. of records found: 9841