Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2773.01 cutting Article re Bathgate Edinburgh Rail Line.
2774.01 slide projector Slide Projector and box re-entered as 2777.01 and 2
2775.01 town guide Bathgate Town Guide
2776.01-20 artifact Block Two NBSF
2776.02-05 artifact Block two NBSF Itemised on one sheet on Menzies steel Works section of
2777.01 projector Slide Projector
2777.02 box Box for projector 2777.01
2777.03-16 programme Bathgate Procession Programmes 03.1958,04 1965,05. 1969,06. 1970,07. 1
2778.01 licence Driving Licence used by West Lothian County Council
2778.02 card Membership card of Menzies Jubilee Car Club 1962 belonging to James Ha
2779.01 programme Order of Service of Thanksgiving fro Norman Binnie (late custodian of
2780.01 letter Letter re father-in-laws employment with Young's Parriffin Light Co.
2781.01 card British leyland Pasport to Safety Card
2781.02 card British Leyland Blood Transfusion Registration Card
2781.03 card TGWU Rules Card
2782.01-02 photograph Photograph of William Marjoribanks and information on SMT Conductors L
2783.01-06 artifact aritfacts relating to British Leyland on Loan
2784.01 book Bathgate in Old Picture Postcards
2785.01 badge British Leyland Tractor Badge
2786.01 token Ten Transport Tokens

No. of records found: 9841