Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2747.01 walking stick Items 2747.all donated by Anne Burgess and recorded accession nos. 274
2747.02 sword sword
2747.03 medal 1914-18 medal
2747.04 medal 1914-18 World War 1
2747.05 medal Territorial War medal
2747.06 medal miniatures of above 2747.07-09
2747.07-09 medal Miniatures of 2747.06
2747.10 bracelet D.M.Sutherland 1/10th Royal Scots
2748.01 Unknown Margaret Lynch aged 17
2749.01 statuette Statue of David Tulloch Sutherland - Provost of Bathgate which was car
2750.01 sword Sword belonging to Lt.Col.David Sutherland 1st/10th Royal Scots raised
2751.01 medal Campaign medals from WW1 belonging to LT.Col. David Sutherland former
2752.01 medal Minature WW1 campaign medals belonging to Lt.Col.David Sutherland 1st/
2753.01 tag Identity dog tag to be worn on wrist belonged to Lt.Col. David Sutherl
2754.01 family tree Information relating to David Murdoch Sutherland and the Bryson Family
2755.01 family tree Family Tree relating to Robert Dawson/Agnes Morrison family who were r
2756.01 machine Family tree information on the James Bryson/Anne Hogg family who were
2757.01 family tree Family Tree information relating to the Tulloch Sutherland/Isabella Da
2758.01 pillow Lace Making Pillow
2758.02 cushion Pair of satin cushion covers

No. of records found: 9841