Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2538.01 token Bathgate Cooperative Society check, One Penny Black.
2539.01 jug Victorian Cream Jug, ( not Bathgate ).
2540.01 book Copy of 'A BIT OF OLD Bathgate'
2541.01 picture Framed Picture of R.L. STEVENSON, Provest of DUNS. Returned Mr R.
2541.02 photocopy Photocopy of Obituary.
2541.03 photograph Photograph of Town Hall and Provost, DUNS.
2541.04 photograph Sweet Shop belonging to R.L.Stevenson in DUNS, Photograph.
2541.05 photograph Photograph of Provost Stevensonoutside DUNS Cooperative Society
2541.06 photograph Photograph, R.L. Stevenson outsideshop.
2541.07 photograph Photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson and Grand mother.
2541.08 photograph Granny Wolfe.
2542.01 photograph Framed Photograph of Mr. & Mrs. Stevenson, Grandparents of R.L. Stev
2542.03 robe Christening Robe.
2543.01 programme Programme Bathgate Thistle V Cumnock Juniors, 1/6/2008.
2543.02 ticket Coach Travel Ticket.
2543.03 report Courier Report on Football Match Bathgate Thistle V Cumnock Juniors
2544.01-02 table cloth 2 only Lace Table Centres. Made By Miss McLure (Drapers ), Bathgate f
2545.01 jacket Fur Jacket.
2545.02 coat Edge to Edge Coat made by J. HARDY & Son for Mrs. E. Junner.
2545.03 dress Navy Dress made by Mrs. B. Scott.

No. of records found: 9841