Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2510.06 music Sheet Music, 'BLOW' from the GANG SHOW, 1936, BY 'A HOLBORN ROVER'.
2510.07 programme Order of Service - Rover Scout Investiture 25, West Lothian Crew, Ba
2510.07A hymn sheet Hymn sheet for Rover Scout Investiture, 25 West Lothian Crew, Bathgate
2510.08 log book Log - Inaugural Investiture - revived Rover Crew 01/01/1969.
2510.09 warrant Warrant - J. Scott, Assist. Scout Master 6th. Bathgate Academy Group
2510.10 music Sheet Music ' OH BABY ' Gang Show, by Ralph Reader.
2510.11 music Sheet Music - ' South Land ' Gang Show, by Ralph Reader.
2510.12 music Sheet Music - 'Four Little Fellers ' Gang Show, by Ralph Reader.
2510.13 music Sheet Music - 'WE'VE GOT A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR' Gang Show, by Ralp
2510.14 test plan Scout Troop Plan - for 25th. West Lothian 6th. Bathgate Academy Troop
2510.15 notes Programme Notes : West Lothian Rover Crew Bathgate Academy summer 19
2511.01 letter Letter from 25th. West Lothian Rover Crew to T.S.B. 26/02/1949.
2511.02 card Card containing 8 Gold Scout Badge Stickers.
2511.03A sheet 2 Sheets, No 3, & 4, of Rover Report by W. Wolfe.
2511.04 sheet Sheet of Instructions for Niger Tent, April 1948.
2511.05 cap Skull Cap, Black / Red Brim with arrow head in red and white.
2511.06 kerchief Silk Kerchief, Scottish Co-op Wholesale Soc., 1868 - 1918.
2511.07-01 d/table set Dressing Table Set, Brown Smoked Glass.
2511.07-02 candle-stick Pair of Candle sticks.
2511.07-03 vase Vase.

No. of records found: 9841