Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2438.07 cutting Courier Cutting re Robert Aitken native of Torphichen
2438.08 sketch Bathgate Academy stitched sketch.
2438.09 photograph General view of Bathgate (framed)
2438.10-23 magazine North British Steel Foundry House Magazine.
2438.24-25 magazine The Boncaster. x 2.
2439.01 book Handed over to Chairman Armadale History Soc..
2440.01 bayonet War Dept. Bayonet, c 1892.
2441.01 programme Order of Service, Thanksgiving for Rev. E.G.S. Wardlaw 8/5/2007 minist
2442.01 duplicator Gestetner duplicator - Armadale connection.
2443.01 box Pill Box *The Ointment from W.F.Stewart Chemist King Street
2444.01 lipstick Lipstick circa 1946
2445.01 container Clear Glazed container circa 1900
2445.02 container Large dark brown container with lid circa 1900
2446.01-04 document World War2 Memorabilia
2446.05 token 3 Co-op tokens from Armadale
2446.06 badge badge
2446.07 menu Menu from Caravelle Restaurant Bathgate
2446.08 newspaper Extract Armed Forces Act 1949
2447.01 picture Army Volunteers Assembling at Bathgate Football Ground September 1914
2448.01-02 wood block 1 Dark Wood and 1 Light Wood block etched with the Lord's Prayer

No. of records found: 9841