Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2341.05 book 'GEAR CUTTING'
2342.01 picture Laing family, 39 Southbridge St., Bathgate
2343.01 map Survey Map, Bathgate 1917.
2343.02 photograph Photograph of Alex. & Jean Waugh & Family.
2343.03 medal Military Medal, 1914-18.
2343.04 medal W.W.1 Medal
2343.05 medal W.W.1. Medal.
2343.06 medal W.W.1. Medal.
2343.07 book History of Alexander Waugh.
2343.08 book History of William Waugh, (Football Player).
2343.09 memorandum In memory of Alexander Waugh M.M. Royal Scots.
2343.10 memorandum In memory of A.Waugh M.M. Royal Scots.
2343.11 medal W.L. School Medal. to W. Calder.
2344.01 trophy To Peter Burns by W.Wolfe to 1st. Lothian Royal Fusilliers 1886.
2344.02 tray Tray presented to James Harvey, North British Steel Foundry, 1962.
2345.01 document Various letters/documents regarding research into Newlands background/
2346.01 photograph Bathgate Procession
2346.02 negative Bathgate procession photographic negatives
2346.03 card Bangour Visit card
2348.01-03 photograph Three photos of bathgate Model lodging House

No. of records found: 9841