Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2242.01 magazine North British Steel Foundry Magazine.
2243.01 book Calender of Cooking.
2243.02 book Plain Cooking Recipes.
2243.03 book Practical Cooking.
2244.01 photograph William Livingston, Director of Hosiery, Bathgate
2244.02 photograph Mary McGibbon Livingston.
2244.03 notes Notes regarding last two photograohs.
2245.01 record Columbia Record, The Golden Crusaders.
2245.02 photograph Photograph Bathgate J.S. School.
2245.03 notes Historical note re previous item.
2246.01 tin 'Warlock ' Tobacco tin.
2246.02 box Box of 'Punch' Matches, matches removed for safety.
2247.01 ruler Wooden Black-Board Ruler, from old Academy.
2248.01 plaque Plaques from Shield.
2248.02 photograph Photograph of Market Dr. Arch.
2248.03 cutting Cutting From Courier on Bathgate Arches.
2249.01 lamp Miner's Head Lamp.
2249.02 battery Battery for Miner's Head Lamp.
2250.01 photograph Mr. Wolfe (Orator) in car going down South Bridge St., in procession.
2250.02 photograph W. Wolfe (Orator) in 'Fee-Fee' in s. Bridge St, during Procession.

No. of records found: 9841