Access NO Item Type Notes Link
2047.11-15 coin 5 threepence 3d.
2048.01 certificate Certificate of Incorporation, North British Steel Foundry, 17/9/1907.
2048.02 certificate Certificate of Change of Name, Atlas Steel Fdry. to North British Stee
2049.01 card 1st World War Xmas Card.
2049.02-04 certificate 3 Torphichen Public School Certificates, 1894, 1895, 1896.
2049.05 photograph Photograph of Bathgate Football Club.
2050.01 drawing Artist's Impression of Wash-house in Stables.
2051.01 photograph Decorated House, J.B.MARR, Procession 1948 or 1949.
2051.02 photograph Queen at Bandstand in Kirkton Park, 1955.
2051.03 photograph Queen at Bandstand in Kirkton Park, 1955.
2051.04 photograph St. David's Manse, George St., 1950.
2051.05 photograph Co-op Building, Gideon St., Bathgate
2051.06 photograph Roberta Brodie at shop, c 1925.
2051.07-08 photograph Procession Queen.
2051.09 photograph Procession Carriage with James Millan.
2051.10 photograph George Street decked with flags.
2051.11 photograph Hopetoun Street decked with flags.
2051.12 photograph Three Horsemen/women at junction of Main St. and Jarvey St..
2051.13 photograph Pipers leading Procession, George St., Bathgate
2051.14 photograph Procession, Youth Pipe Band, George St..

No. of records found: 9841