Access NO Item Type Notes Link
1973.02 licence Driving Licence, Valentine Irvine, 1964-1970.
1973.03 licence Driving Licence, Mrs. M.C. Stewart, prov./full 1972-1975.
1973.04 licence Driving Licence, Mrs. M.C. Stewart, 1956-62.
1973.05 photograph William Corsor holding Bowls Cup, Railway Bowing Green.
1973.06 photograph 2nd. pack Bathgate Brownies 1930's, Mid St. School.
1973.07 certificate Certificate for Proficiency Badge 1st. B/gate Girl Guides, laundry.
1973.08 book Motor Fuel Ration Book, MH3 398115.
1973.09 programme Bathgate E.U. Church Drama Club 'The Nest Egg'
1973.10 programme 30th. Birthday, 45th. Edinburgh/Lothian Girls Brigade.
1973.11 programme Order of Service,Action Churches Together Palm Sunday, 1991
1973.12 ticket Boghall Parish Church Social, 1995.
1973.13 card Travel & Identity Card, No. 243069.
1974.01 photograph 2nd. Pack Bathgate Brownies, 1932 Xmas Party.
1974.02 programme Order of Service, Palm Sunday, Action Churches Together.
1974.03 programme Burn's Supper, Fairway Darts & Social Club, 1973.
1974.04 magazine 'Kirk Roads' St. David's Church, 1958.
1974.05 licence Driving Licence for Valentine Irvine, 1958-64.
1974.06 programme Order of Sevice, 25 years of Boghall Parish Church, 1990.
1974.07 programme Order of Service, re opening of St. David's Church, 1972.
1974.08 hymn sheet Hymn Sheet for re-opening of St. David's Church, 1972.

No. of records found: 9841