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1939.01 book Bero Recipe Book.
1939.02 book Lipton Recipe Book.
1939.03 book The IDEAL Recipe Book.
1939.04 book The LOFTY PEAK Recipe Book.
1941.01 scythette Garden Grass Hook, found on railway embankment.
1942.01 photograph Photograph showing Rev. W. Webster on left with Mr. Blair, Baker in Eg
1942.02 photograph as 1942.01 but with Rev. W. Webster on right of photograph.
1943.01 girdle Girdle with folding handle, used by Mrs. Jean Kyle.
1944.01 photograph Copy of Bathgate Chemical Works.
1944.02 book Discovering Oil Lamps.
1944.03 list Off Publications referred.
1944.04 book History of The Scottish Oil-Shale Industry.
1944.05 booklet What The Oil Industrie Owes To Dr. J.Y.Simpson.
1944.06 booklet Paraffin Young- The First Oil Man by D. Murray.
1944.07 booklet Westwood - The Making of a Bing.
1944.08 booklet Where The Oil Industrie Began, Livingston Devel. Corp.
1944.09 booklet The Binnend Oil Works & The Bonn Village. Wm. Stephen.
1944.10 page 6 pages from The Manchester & Salford Advertizer.
1944.11 page Bundle of pages referring to The Life & Times of Paraffin Young and ot
1944.12 envelope Envelope with ref. to Oil Industry- Winchburgh.

No. of records found: 9841