Access NO Item Type Notes Link
1816.11 photograph School Photo, Bathgate Academy
1816.12 photograph School Photo, Bathgate Academy (Dance).
1817.01 photograph Bathgate J. S. School Jubilee celebrations, 1905-1955, B/W.
1817.02 photograph B/W. photograph, unknown - not Bathgate
1818.01 book Cookery Book produced for Bathgate Bazaar 1906.
1819.01 cutting Page from Peoples Journal 17/4/1937, Bathgate Dancers.
1821.01 photograph Bathgate Coop Society.
1821.02 photograph N.B. Steel Group Choir 50th. Anniversary Concert, 1976.
1821.03 newspaper North British News, Sept.1975.
1822.01 ticket Cinema ticket to Bathgate Pavilion.
1823.01 photocopy Photocopy of War Memorial Souvenir by ex Provost Sutherland.
1824.01 book Bathgate Mortality Records, 1860-1925.
1825.01 bayonet WW2 German bayonet with scabbard.
1825.02 case Binocular Case.
1825.03-17 badge 15 assort. Cap & Lapel Badges. contained in 1825.02
1825.18-22 button 5 Military Tunic Buttons. contained in 1825.02.
1826.01 badge Made locally by W.L. Labour Unions in opposition to closure of PLESSEY
1827.01 picture Framed picture THE Bathgate INN 1859, by Wull Kerr.
1828.01-02 photograph 2 Photographs of The Creamery Park, Bathgate
1829.01 token 3, National Transport 5p. tokens for senion citizen transport.

No. of records found: 9841