Access NO Item Type Notes Link
1707.01 chopper Food Chopper No. 20/2 original cond. in box.
1708.01 photograph Group of young men, fiormer Bathgate Boy's Club leaders.
1708.02 photograph Provost Hardie,Rev. McDonald,E.Glen,J.Baird,re-dedication St. Davids C
1708.03 photograph Re-dedication of St. David's Church.
1708.04 photograph Provost & Mrs. Hardie centre group.
1708.05 photograph Provost Hardie with Mr, Smith, M.D. British Leyland.
1708.06 photograph Provost Hardie, Dr. Ian Sheddon, oration, Bathgate Academy 1974.
1709.01 photograph Service in Boghall Church, 1974.
1709.02 photograph Taking salute at Highland Games.
1709.03 photograph Formal Group in Co-op Hall.
1709.04 photograph MACALFORD Birthday Party, 1973.
1709.05 photograph Presentation, Miss Issanga, TORONTO.
1709.06 photograph Formal Group.
1709.07 photograph Presentation to Mr.MacBeth Menzies at Jubilee Club [retiral] 1972.
1709.08 cutting W.L. Courier, Mr. Menzies' presentation March 1972.
1710.01 photograph Rotary Officials, 1970.
1710.02 photograph Mixed group at Procession Dance, 1968.
1710.03 photograph Small mixed group inc. Lady with Bouquet, 1972.
1710.04 photograph Prov. J. HARDIE, ROY BAIRD, JOHNIE BEATTIE, outdoors.
1710.05 photograph Inspecting Engine at British Leyland.

No. of records found: 9841